DetergentAs a liquid washing component, hydroxyl betaine has good water solubility in a wide temperature range and good washing effect, which can be applied to a high concentration and high water-solu...
Quaternay ammonium salt bactericide, which has the property of ionic compound, is easy to dissolve in the water while it is hard to behave in the same way in the non-polar solvent, being stable in che...
Toothpaste is comprised of powder abrasivus, wetting agent, surfactant, adhesive, spices, edulcorant and other special ingredient.1. AbrasivusThe commonly used abrasives in tooth paste include:① Calc...
Based on different functions, the surfactant used in coating industry can be classified as following:Emulsifier, surface treatment agent, wetting dispersant of pigment, defoamer, flatting agent, mould...
Surfactant can be applied to citizen’s daily life and industries. It is said from some information that 2/3 of those for civil use are applied in personal care products; the composite detergent is on...